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The 2024 Terms & Conditions were published 1st November, 2023


Please take a few minutes to read & ensure you understand our Terms & Conditions


As of March 1, 2023 all prices now include GST


There are only TWO opportunities to join us in 2024.  To join us for the first half of our dance season, registrations close Monday 5th February OR once your selected class is full, whichever comes first.  To join us for the second half of our dance season, registrations close Monday 17th June OR once your selected class is full, whichever comes first.  Our classes are progressive & so we do not accept registrations once the half season has begun.  Once a class is full, it is closed until the next half season.



Commitment for the first half of the 2024 Dance Season is from Monday 5th February until the mid-year concert on Sunday 16th June (excluding school & public holidays).  Commitment for the second half of the Dance Season is from Monday 17th June until the end-of-year concert on Saturday 30th November (excluding school & public holidays)


It is assumed that when you register with us you will be participating in our concerts, as this is what every class works towards.  Due to costuming, dress rehearsals, stage rehearsals, dance formations & patterns, students not participating in a concert do not attend the last 10 lessons leading up to a concert.  No credits, refunds or transfers are available as we do not invite waitlist students into class once the half season has begun.


Every style of dance you enrol in learns a different routine for the concert, students must be prepared to learn & remember multiple routines if multiple dance styles are selected.  Our classes are progressive & progress cannot be made without consistency:  students are expected to attend every lesson if they wish to retain their spot in class & participate in the concert.  No refunds, credits or transfers are available if you do not retain your spot in class as we do not invite waitlist students into class once the half season has begun.


Every class begins strictly on time. Your teachers warm up instructions at the start of class are extremely important, they are essential to prevent injuries & students must be present to hear them. Arriving after start time is disruptive to the whole class & puts the student at risk of injury. One-off lateness is understandable but you cannot retain your spot in class with repetitive lateness.



Parents are required to join our studio app, it is the only way we are able to effectively communicate with our fast-growing dance family.  No SMS or emails will be sent (with the exception of fees invoices & a Welcome Email) It is the responsibility of each parent to ensure their push notifications are switched on.  In the (rare) case of a cancelled or re-scheduled class, an app update will be sent.  Everybody Dance Now cannot be held responsible if you miss anything.



For insurance & administration purposes, a registration fee of $70 per student is required at the start of each year. Your registration fee includes a brand new Everybody Dance Now uniform.


2024 FEES

Half season cost is $330 & includes 1 x weekly class plus all booking & credit card charges, due at the time of booking.

Alternatively, half season fees can be paid in 4 x fortnightly payments of $88 with Afterpay.

Move with Mummy class only - Annual tuition fee is divided into 4 equal payments of $165, due at the beginning of each term (annual Registration fee still applies)

First half season fees are due by Friday 5th January.  If registering after 5th January, they are due at the time of registering.

Second half season fees are due by Friday 14th June.  If registering after 14th June, they are due at the time of registering.

Your spot in class is only confirmed once full payment OR Afterpay selection has been made. Once paid, tuition fees cannot be refunded, credited or transferred for change of mind. Students are encouraged to see their commitment through & we do not invite waitlist students into class once the half season has begun.

No credits or refunds will be applied for any missed or cancelled classes.  Students are welcome to attend a make-up class, either a different class style in their age group or a similar one if available.

Classes do not run during school holidays or public holidays.


In the case of a lockdown due to the pandemic, all classes will switch to be online via Zoom or pre-recorded lesson until we are able to return to face to face lessons. No further credits or refunds will be applied if you choose not to participate online.


Active Kids vouchers & Creative Kids vouchers are redeemable only when submitted via our online form (link will be in your invoice).  We cannot accept photos/PDFs of vouchers or details sent via email.


Our mid-year concert fee is $60 per student/$80 per family & includes concert rehearsal fees, concert themed finale shirt, concert digital download & all professional digital images captured on stage.  Mid-year concert fees are due by Monday 29th April


End-of-year concert fee is $110 for 1 x weekly class & includes concert rehearsal fees, concert costume, concert themed finale shirt, concert digital download, all professional digital images captured on stage.  End-of-year concert fees are due by Monday 15th July.  End-of-year concert fees are due in full OR can be paid in 4 x fortnightly payments of $30 with Afterpay (This Afterpay price is for 1 x weekly class only)


Once paid, no credits or refunds will be applied for change of mind.  Concerts are a team commitment & students are encouraged to support their classmates & teacher by seeing their commitment all the way through.


Concert opportunity available for Move with Mummy students if we reach the minimum number of interested students required for a concert dance.



Once paid, workshop fees cannot be refunded, credited or transferred for change of mind.


For your convenience, a concert handbook is distributed for both our mid-year & end-of-year concerts. These handbooks contain everything you will need to know about everything to do with the concerts. It is the responsibility of each parent to ensure they take the time to read the handbook.


All parents/guardians are required to remain in the reception lounge during all classes. Our studio was carefully designed as it allows for discretionary viewing of class through the one-way window without students becoming distracted by being able to see you. It is important that children are allowed the opportunity to focus & enjoy their class without distractions.


Please respect our studio by keeping all areas tidy & all property unharmed. Please note that students (& siblings) in the reception lounge must be supervised by parents at all times.  Our studio is responsible for students while they are in class, but before & after their class they are the responsibility of parents.  The first class of the afternoon will be allowed into the dance room no more than 5 minutes before class start time. Please be aware that for safety reasons, the ramp in front of our shop is for travelling in & out of the studio only, it is not a play/socialising area. This also applies to all outside areas of our studio.  Please be considerate of our neighbours when entering & exiting the studio.  Thank you for your understanding & co-operation, it is very much appreciated.



To minimise disruptions to class, all students must please use the bathroom before their first lesson.  All toilets located inside The Plaza require a key.  Please understand that for safety reasons, this key will only be given to a parent, we cannot hand out the key to students for them to go on their own.  If your child needs to use the bathroom during class & you are not in the reception lounge to take them, a parent who is in the lounge will need to take them.  For security reasons, our staff are unable to leave the reception desk unattended now that we are in a very central, public location.



Please note that students in the reception lounge must be supervised by parents at all times.  Our studio is responsible for students while they are in class, but before & after their class they are the responsibility of parents.  The first class of the afternoon will be allowed into the dance room no more than 5 minutes before class start time.


There is adequate parking in the Boree St Car Park, please be mindful of the 1 & 3 hour limit zones.


No credits or refunds will be applied for any missed lessons or cancelled classes.  Students are welcome to attend a make-up class, either a different style class in their age group or a similar one if available.



Once paid, no credits or refunds will be applied if you change your mind & choose to leave a class before the end of the season.  We encourage all students to see their commitment through & we do not invite waitlist students to join the class once the half season has begun.


In the case of a lockdown due to the pandemic, all classes will switch to be online via Zoom or pre-recorded lesson until we are able to return to face to face lessons. No further credits or refunds will be applied if you choose not to participate online.


It is expected that students attend their scheduled classes. Our classes are progressive, students cannot progress and improve without regular attendance. Students are expected to attend every lesson, dress rehearsal & stage rehearsal if they wish to retain their spot in class & participate in the concert.  Students who miss dress/stage rehearsals will forfeit their place in the concert.  In the case of extended illness, injury or travel - please email  If you have travel planned during November, you will be unable to participate in the end-of-year concert.


All dancers are expected to wear the supplied uniform to each lesson (this is included in your registration fee).


All students are expected to have the required shoes for class, all are available to purchase direct from reception.


Dancers must wear their hair neat and secure. Loose, untidy hair is a distraction as well as a safety issue.  A bun is required for all jazz & ballet classes.  A bun is preferred for all other classes, but a neat ponytail or braid will be sufficient.


In order to provide adequate dance training, it is necessary for dance teachers to physically coach in the development of student technique & placement, which may require strictly appropriate physical contact between dance teaching staff & students. While all care is taken, as with any sport or physical activity; injuries can occur from time to time. Should an injury occur, staff will administer first aid immediately & notify parent/guardian. Should an emergency occur - Everybody Dance Now staff will immediately call for assistance; be that an ambulance or otherwise. This is if the incident is inside the studio or the immediate vicinity. The dancers family agrees to cover all expenses. Students may decline to participate in any classroom activity. Dance is a form of discipline & student behaviour in the classroom should reflect this. By enrolling in classes it is accepted by staff & parents/guardians that the student is fit to participate. It is understood & agreed that Everybody Dance Now will not be responsible for any injuries incurred during class activities or for the loss of personal effects or clothing.


Everybody Dance Now is committed to providing an enjoyable experience for all students. Those who engage in any antisocial behaviour including but not limited to verbal or physical abuse; intimidation; discrimination in all its forms; harassment or threats of any nature will risk having their enrolment cancelled & no refund will be issued.


Photos & videos of students during class may only be shared with the consent of Miss Sarah. From time to time; photos & videos may be taken by Miss Sarah & shared on Everybody Dance Now Facebook or Instagram. Social media posts directly related/or involving Everybody Dance Now must be respectful & in line with the positive ethos & culture of the studio. Please correspond regarding classroom issues, enrolments & other business matter via the studio email -


I hereby understand and acknowledge that all training, programs, classes and activities provided by EVERYBODY DANCE NOW may expose me and my child to many inherent risks, including accidents, injury, illness, or even death. I assume all risk of injuries associated with participation including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, and all other such risks being known and appreciated by me. I hereby acknowledge my responsibility in communicating any physical and psychological concerns that might conflict my child's or my own participation in the activity. I acknowledge that I am physically fit and mentally capable of performing the physical activity I choose to participate in. I confirm that if I am pregnant I have received written consent from my doctor that I am able to participate in my chosen activities.


After having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of acceptance of my participation and EVERYBODY DANCE NOW furnishing services to me, I agree, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, to waive any responsibility, liabilities, demands, or claims of whatsoever nature or cause including negligence, howsoever arising, which I might have, or which may arise against EVERYBODY DANCE NOW, its officers, agents, employees, organizers, representatives, and successors.


I undertake to indemnify and hold harmless and free, EVERYBODY DANCE NOW, from any and all claims of whatsoever nature or cause (including negligence) and however arising, which may be made by myself, my spouse, life partner, children and/or dependents who suffer any damages (including but not limited to damages arising from or related to personal injury, death and/or loss of support) of whatsoever nature.


I have read and understand the content and important consequences of this document and acknowledge that I am bound thereby. I understand that certain answers to the health questionnaire may mean my body has not quite healed enough for exercise just yet & further clearance from a women's health physio may be required before commencing any class or activity at EVERYBODY DANCE NOW.I have been informed that if I answer YES to any of the questions in the health questionnaire I should seek medical advice/approval before commencing this class. If I wish to continue without such advice I do so entirely at my own risk. I confirm that I have read, fully understood and answered honestly.


Throughout your time at EVERYBODY DANCE NOW, you & your child(ren) may have the opportunity to be photographed or filmed for publications such as our website, newsletter, social media, as well as for promotional purposes in the form of flyers, posters & newspapers. We would like your permission to use photographs or film taken of you &/or your child to be used for the above purpose. I hereby consent to photographs/videos of both myself & child(ren) to be used for the purpose stated above. I understand that if I do not wish to consent, it is my responsibility to inform staff &/or instructors at EVERYBODY DANCE NOW.


2024 Terms & Conditions

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